Top 20 Android App Development Libraries to Use in 2024

Android app development libraries are like superhero sidekicks for developers. They are pre-built chunks of code that help you add cool features to your apps without reinventing the wheel. 

Need to show beautiful graphics? Glide and Picasso have got you covered. Handling databases? Room is your buddy. Want to make your app look snazzy? Use Material Design Components. And if you are into networking, Retrofit can save your day. These libraries are your best friends in the world of Android development, making your life easier and your apps more awesome.

Let’s dig into the details of these top-notch feature-packed Android app development libraries of 2024 in no particular order.

Importance of Choosing The Right Android App Development Libraries

Best Android App Development Libraries For 2024 and Beyond

#1 Android Jetpack

#2 Retrofit

#3 OkHttp

#4 Glide

#5 Room

#6 Butter Knife

#7 Dagger 2

#8 RxJava

#9 Gson

#10 Picasso

#11 LeakCanary

#12 Firebase

#13 Kotlin Coroutines

#14 Lottie

#15 Moshi

#16 ExoPlayer

#17 Material Components

#18 GreenDAO

#19 MPAndroidChart

#20 Realm

Importance of Choosing The Right Android App Development Libraries

When considering the importance of choosing the right libraries for Android app development services, selecting well-maintained and efficient libraries can significantly streamline the development process and enhance the overall performance of your Android app. Depending on your library choice, it can make or break your app. 

The right libraries save time, provide pre-built functionality, and ensure compatibility. They are like having a Swiss Army knife in your pocket, making your coding life easier. But choose the wrong ones, and you are in a world of debugging pain. So, choose wisely, my friend, and build that awesome app stress-free! 

RELATED READ: 7 Leading App Development Frameworks for Future 

Best Android App Development Libraries For 2024 and Beyond

#1 Android Jetpack

Android Jetpack is like a superhero toolkit for Android app developers. It is a collection of libraries and tools that make app development easier. 

It includes—

  • LiveData for real-time updates, 
  • Navigation for smooth app flow, and 
  • Room for local data storage. 
  • Jetpack takes care of the boring stuff so devs can focus on building awesome apps.

So, if you are an Android app developer, Jetpack is your sidekick for a smoother, less stressful mobile app development journey!

#2 Retrofit

It is like a slick library that makes sending HTTP requests and handling API calls a breeze. It is all about making your life easier while dealing with web services. 

You can define API endpoints and map responses to your Java/Kotlin classes, and Retrofit takes care of the rest. It is like having a personal butler for your app’s networking needs. 

So, if you want your app to talk to the internet, Retrofit is the trusty sidekick you need!

#3 OkHttp

OkHttp is a cool library for Android that makes it easy to send and receive HTTP requests. It is like your internet buddy. 

You can use it to connect to web services, download data, and more. It is fast, efficient, and widely used by Android developers. So, if you need to talk to the internet, give OkHttp a shout! 

Another small tip is when looking for an Android app development firm, make sure they have expertise in utilizing libraries like OkHttp to enhance app performance.

#4 Glide

Glide is like a smooth operator for Android apps. It is a nifty library that makes image loading and caching a breeze. Whether you are swiping through pics or loading profile photos, Glide’s got your back. 

It is efficient, easy to use, and helps your app run smoothly. So, if you want your images to slide in effortlessly, Glue is your go-to.

#5 Room

When it comes to Android app development for rooms, you will want to check out the Room Persistence Library. It is a part of Android’s Jetpack library, designed to simplify database handling. 

Room makes it easier to work with SQLite databases in your app, allowing you to store, retrieve, and manage data efficiently. It is a handy tool for creating and managing databases in your Android app.

#6 Butter Knife

Butter Knife is an awesome Android app development solution. It is a popular library for building apps on Android that simplifies view binding.  It helps you eliminate the boilerplate code required to find and set views in your app. 

This library can save you time and make your code cleaner, making your Android app development process smoother. If you are buttering up your app, ButterKnife is a handy one to consider!

#7 Dagger 2

Dagger 2 is like a superhero for Android developers! It is a dependency injection framework that helps keep your code organized and testable. 

With Dagger 2, you create a graph of your app’s components, and it magically provides the right dependencies where needed. No more manual constructor chaos! It is a must-know tool for making apps more robust and maintainable.

#8 RxJava

RxJava is awesome for handling asynchronous operations in Android mobile app development. It uses Observable patterns and helps you juggle data streams effortlessly. 

You can filter, map, and transform data with ease. Plus, it has got operators for error handling and threading. If you want your Android app to handle tasks like a champ, RxJava is your sidekick!

#9 Gson

Gson is a nifty Java library for converting Java objects and JSON. It is like magic for your code, letting you easily parse JSON or create JSON from Java objects. You just need to import it, define your Java classes, and boom -Gson handles the rest! Super handy for dealing with JSON in a snap. 

#10 Picasso

Picasso is a popular Android library for image loading and caching. It simplifies the process of displaying images in your app. You can easily load images from the internet or local resources, and Picasso takes care of caching, resizing, and displaying them in your UI. It is a handy tool for developers to make image handling in Android apps a breeze.

#11 LeakCanary

It is a nifty Android app development framework that helps you find memory leaks in your apps. Whenever there is a sneaky memory leak, LeakCanary swoops in, identifies it, and even provides a detailed report on what caused the issues. 

It is like having a leak detective for your app, making sure your memory is in tip-top shape. Don’t leave home without it! 

#12 Firebase

Firebase is a powerful platform by Google for developing mobile and web applications. It offers services like real-time databases, authentication, cloud storage, and more.You can easily store and sync data, authenticate users, and even host your web app. Many developers love it as it is super handy.

#13 Kotlin Coroutines

Kotlin Coroutines are like magic for asynchronous programming! They let you write non-blocking code that is easy to read. With keywords like suspend and async, you can perform tasks concurrently without getting lost in callbacks. 

It is a game-changer for Android and server-side development, making your life as a developer much simpler. So, if you are tired of callback hell, give Kotlin Coroutines a try!

RELATED READ: Kotlin Mastery: A Modern Approach to Android App Development

#14 Lottie

Lottie is a cool animation library used for Android and iOS apps. It is super handy for adding dynamic animations with minimal effort. 

You can create animations in Adobe After Effects and export them as Lottie files, which can easily be integrated into your mobile apps. Lottie simplifies the animation process and makes your app look snazzy without breaking a sweat. It is a must-know for any application developer!

#15 Moshi

Moshi is a cool library for mobile app development for Android! It helps you convert JSON data into Kotlin objects and vice versa, making it a breeze to work with APIs. It is like having a magic translator for your data. Super handy for handling JSON in a fun and efficient way!

#16 ExoPlayer

ExoPlayer is helpful for building video and audio playback features in your Android app. It is open-source, created by Google, and packs a bunch of cool features for smooth media streaming. 

You can easily integrate it, making your app a multimedia powerhouse. So, if you are thinking about adding video or audio playback, definitely check out ExoPlayer! 

#17 Material Components

Regarding creating an app on Android, you will want to make friends with some awesome libraries! Popular ones like Retrofit for networking, Glide for image loading, and RecycleView for lists can save you loads of time. They are like a toolkit for your app, making your life as a developer easier.

#18 GreenDAO

It helps you work with databases, making things like data storage and retrieval a breeze. It is lightweight and efficient, which is great for your app’s performance. If you need a smooth way to manage your data, give GreenDAO a shot! 

When it comes to GreenDAO, one popular choice for managing databases is using Android app development software such as Android Studio along with GreenDAO to streamline the process.

#19 MPAndroidChart

MPAndroidChart is a fantastic library for adding interactive charts to your applications. It is super user-friendly and offers various chart types like line, bar, and pie charts. You can customize colors, animations, and even handle touch events. It is a go-to choice for developers looking to visualize data in a cool way!

#20 Realm

Realm offers a Realm Database, which is a fast and easy-to-use local database. You can also check out Realm Sync for real-time data sync between devices. These libraries can make your app development journey a whole lot smoother!


In a world filled with endless possibilities, the right libraries can make all the difference in Android app development. After diving deep into the development sea, it is crystal clear that the best libraries are like your trusty sidekicks. They save time, streamline tasks, and make your life as a developer much easier. So, to experience more smoothness in your development of apps, join us, Magicminds, the Android app development company. From the sleek Retrofit for networking to the versatile Glide for image loading, we give you all the comfort in your journey of app creation.

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